About us

Enpro Health Centre Institute was established to improve health care by integrating advances in nutritional, environmental and behavioral science into clinical practice.

Our staff have extensive experience and are qualified to deal with a wide range of conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, smoking, cancer, arthritis, stress, pain, autoimmune disease, autism, brain health amongst others.


Other conditions and ailments we treat at our centre include

  • Cataracts

  • Malaria

  • Insomnia

  • Blood pressure

  • Weight gain and loss


Each patient’s lifestyle program is individualized and carried out under the direct supervision of one of our health staff.

Our medical staff will communicate with you at least once a week to get feedback on your progress, and make necessary changes to your program. When you need other services we will provide health education, with health lectures given five days a week, as well as classes in simple remedies, healthy cooking and nutrition.

Initial consultation may include the following:

  • Pulse Diagnostics

  • Herbal Recommendations as appropriate

  • Cupping as needed

  • Tongue evaluation

Following that we will plan a course of treatment and supply you with educational materials, designed to cater for your specific condition.

Duration of our programmes

 1)1 day program

2)10 day program

3) 14 day program.

4) 21 day program. 


Initial Consultation: 1.5-2 hours - $145.00

Follow-Up Consultations: 1 hour - $95.00

To book a consultation with us either online or via Zoom,contact us at enproconsultant@mail.com

or via Telegram,and we will be more than happy to deal with your request.

Healthy lifestyle habits are essential for maintaining long term health.